
The Inter American Trends is a public policy research organization —a think tank— dedicated to the principles of democracy, social and political ideas, security threats, and energy market in the region. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of specific issues.


We are a nonpartisan policy research organization committed to research and analysis that promotes Latinamerican security, prosperity, and freedom in a sustainable manner.

Challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions to the future through interdisciplinary studies in terrorism, international relations, economics, energy, and politics.

With office in Washington seeks to guide public policy makers and global leaders in government and business through publications, and policy briefings and recommendations.

Does it matters?

  • It matters to the policymaker, who lacks the time to give serious reflection to long-term trends that will shape America's choices abroad.
  • It matters to the media, who miss the expertise to make sense of complex developments in foreign lands.
  • It matters to the educator, who needs informed preparation to teach the next generation.
  • It matters to the students, who represent the next generation of American leadership.
  • It matters to the public, whose children will be sent off to war and whose taxes will pay the bills.

Business Area

  • Independent Research
  • Advocacy
  • Consultancy

Areas of Interest

  • Politics
  • Energy
  • Economics
  • International Relations
  • Security


  • Private Individuals
  • Corporations
  • Governments

Latest publications
La guerra contra el Tren de Aragua: ¿seguridad o xenofobia?
Fighting crime or fueling xenophobia? Trump’s crackdown on the Tren de Aragua
Politics, 18/Mar/2025
Maduro al límite: lo impensable ya es inevitable
Maduro at the brink: the unthinkable is now inevitable
Politics, 13/Mar/2025
El nuevo mapa del poder: populismo, hegemonía y la batalla por la democracia
Politics, 11/Mar/2025
La salida de Chevron y el punto de no retorno
Chevron’s exit puts Maduro on a collision course with reality
Politics, 4/Mar/2025
Siete días que marcarán un nuevo orden mundial
Seven days that will shape a new world order
Politics, 25/Feb/2025
Trump, Maduro y María Corina: ¿quién se adaptará mejor?
Trump’s new approach to Venezuela: stability over democracy
Politics, 18/Feb/2025
Trump y sus cinco armas para dominar el mundo
Trump and his five weapons for world domination
Politics, 14/Feb/2025
¿Cómo hacer insostenible la permanencia de Maduro?
How to make Maduro’s grip on power unsustainable?
Politics, 4/Feb/2025
El Nuevo Orden Mundial: de la diplomacia a la transacción
The New World Order: from diplomacy to transactionalism
Politics, 28/Jan/2025
Una batalla de palabras y poder
Politics, 21/Jan/2025
La estrategia que necesita la democracia en Venezuela
Politics, 13/Jan/2025
El momento de actuar es ahora
Politics, 6/Jan/2025
Latest events
Children of Misery: Guns and Gangs in Central America
Hudson Institute - Center for Latin American Studies
September 10, 2014
Beyond Hugo Chávez: What to expect in Latin America
Hudson Institute - Center for Latin American Studies
May 8, 2013
XIV Seminario de Estrategias de Campañas Electorales - De la práctica a la práctica
The George Washington University - The Graduate School of Political Management
March 11 to 15, 2013