The great blackout in Venezuela initiates the systemic collapse derived from the political model implemented for twenty years in the Bolivarian country. The "Plan de la Patria" -the principal axis of socialism of the twentieth-first century- put an end to prosperity for Venezuela, while promoting kleptocracy.

Twenty years stealing the capital for the development of the material base of Venezuelan society has produced a poor social and economic growth of the country. So, the impact of kleptocracy on socioeconomic performance has led to the great collapse of Venezuela. Macroeconomic indicators showed the trend toward implosion. It was a matter of time.

Venezuela has not grown economically for the last five years. Hyperinflation is within the ten highest of all time worldwide. The country risk index prepared by JP Morgan presents the highest among emerging markets. Oil production has fallen without parallel in a country not at war (50% in two years). Crude refining barely reaches 20% of the installed capacity of 1.3 million barrels per day. The scarcity of food and medicine are at the level of the countries of the so-called Soviet bloc before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Since last Thursday the country was without electricity for 90 hours, which has caused chaos in major cities, forcing the suspension of classes and kept most of the shops closed. The health system, which has reflected the socialism of the twentieth-first century, collapsed and at least 20 people died due to lack of electricity in hospitals, according to the NGO "Médicos por la Salud".

Nicolás Maduro, president usurper, established that the cause of the blackout was a cybernetic attack on the Gurí hydroelectric power plant by the United States government and the interim government of Venezuela. It is the narrative constructed by the usurper regime.

The analysis of interim president Juan Guaidó is that the fault initially happened because of a fire that affected the high voltage transmission towers of the hydroelectric plant. In addition, the lack of maintenance, investments and corruption caused the National Electric System to be out of service for several days.

Until the 90-hour blackout occurred, the cause of the crisis in Venezuela has been the economic war of the United States according to the madurista narrative. Also, that same speech holds that there is no humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and that the lack of food and medicine is due to the sanctions imposed by the United States.

An argument reinforced by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, who said, in the 40th session of the UN Human Rights Council, "the deterioration of social and economic conditions [in Venezuela] (...) the sanctions have aggravated them".

Maduro is at his worst political moment. Fundamentally, the Minister of Defense Padrino López holds him in power. The usurper regime appeals to its relational capital woven for twenty years to maintain the country under control.

The return of Juan Guaidó to Venezuela and the road map proposed for the cessation of the usurpation, placed Maduro in a tough situation, because the Military High Command and its Supreme Court of Justice have questioned his presidency. However, the 90-hour blackout has created chaotic conditions that allow the usurper to take on a new air.

Faced with this situation of desperation of the population to survive (water, conservation of food, protection of loved ones, among others), the road map marked by Guaidó after his return to the country changes. It adapts to the new circumstance, including the "state of alarm" throughout Venezuela, the call for protests throughout the country and the suspension of the supply of oil to Cuba.

Maduro's response is the call to the paramilitary groups, "the hour of active resistance has arrived".

Maduro appeals to his last bastion to hold on to power, the fratricidal struggle. He orders his followers the defense of the usurping presidency, not the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, whose mission is to preserve the order and security of the Republic, because he doubts their loyalty.

The 90-hour blackout recreates the conditions for civil war, the Colectivos -a paramilitary group- of the usurper against the defenseless population of the interim government. This scenario has favored Maduro so far due to the complicity of the National Armed Forces – such as in the protests in 2014 and 2017.

On this occasion, the National Armed Forces must fulfill its mission and comply with the Constitution of Venezuela, defending the vast majorities that fight for democracy. Otherwise, the usurper regime will condemn Venezuelans to the most significant exodus and the most widespread misery known in the history of the American continent.

Blackout is the new degree of difficulty of democracy in Venezuela.


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