The company Meganálisis just published the results of its August poll, in which they show a photograph of the political reality of Venezuela. It is a portrait of Venezuelan public opinion taken before the event known as "el dronazo".

The photograph of the political scenario says that 8 out of 10 Venezuelans "want Maduro and Chavismo to leave power in Venezuela". Hyperinflation caused by the economic policies of the Plan de la Patria has emptied the pockets of Venezuelans. The inflation during July reached 125%, and the year-on-year inflation reached 82.776%, according to the measurement of the National Assembly.

Likewise, the image captured by the opposition leadership indicates that almost the same proportion of Venezuelans (75.3%) blame the leaders of the Democratic Unity coalition (Mesa de la Unidad Democrática or MUD) for the stability of Nicolas Maduro in power, because "they coexist and keep him there". Only one Venezuelan out of 10 thinks that "the people support him" -the images on the day of the supposed assassination reveal it.

The lack of credibility, honesty, and competence in the leaders of the MUD to trigger a change of government in Venezuela has undermined the confidence of the majority of Venezuelans in the traditional MUD politicians. The missed opportunities by the MUD leadership to oust the Maduro administration during the past three years, have caused disconnection with the people. As a great friend said: "The political struggles of the MUD are more between its different leaders than for the seizure of power in Venezuela".

Faced with this void, as a consequence of the traditional political leadership of the country, 8 out of 10 Venezuelans believe that the Armed Forces must "convince Maduro to leave" -to leave and open the way to a transition in Venezuela- for the "well-being and future of the Venezuelans". Besides, most Venezuelans believe that traditional MUD politicians should "move away and disappear, allowing new leaders ('other faces') to lead the opposition struggle". In this sense, they recognize Maria Corina Machado as "the face" to lead "the new force or opposition unity". 40.7% believe in her leadership to generate change, followed by Lorenzo Mendoza with 11.1%.

The leadership of María Corina Machado and Lorenzo Mendoza is based on the values of credibility, sincerity, and competence, 6 out of 8 Venezuelans who want a new government trusts them. Also, both are convinced that "if they do not do things right they lose the company/Venezuela".

The photo of an ousting of Maduro from power shows the following options: shutdown or indefinite strike as the ideal mechanism (67.8%), the help of the international community (78.4%) and the effort of the new president of Colombia, Ivan Duque (51.9%).

The photograph of the current political moment in Venezuela must have most of the elements of the photo captured by Meganálisis before the alleged assassination attempt against Maduro on August 4: "el dronazo". Consequently, the increase in the political repression will only reinforce the tendency of the picture that wants its immediate exit from power.

The political picture taken before the "drone" exposes the opinion of what Venezuelans believe is the way out of Maduro now, the union of the egos of the political leaders opposing the Maduro regime. This will allow them to face the higher phase of "socialism of the XXI century": barbarism. So, the declaration of Erika Farias: "We govern Venezuela or no one governs it", is the response to the great fear that the regime feels about the picture that represents their ousting. Tell me what you're bragging about and I'll tell you what you lack.

Also, Maduro bets with tremendous faith in the Petro to get out of the economic and social crisis that the country is suffering. He looks for the currencies needed to revive the economy. He anchors everything to this "supposed digital currency", which when associated with the economic activity - PDVSA accounting unit - seeks to achieve a market capitalization between 30 and 40 billion dollars, including the legitimization of the proceeds from drug trafficking.

Maduro thinks that the Petro is a cryptocurrency, and he will be able to mine all the Petros he needs, as he does with bolívares nowadays, with the benefit that it will not generate inflation.

The die is cast for Maduro; the political picture expresses his departure already if the opposition leaders listen to the voice of Venezuelans.


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