After the third round of negotiations, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said last week that the Oslo initiative would continue after the two sides held consultations in Caracas to "advance in the negotiation". Also, it informed the world that a table was set up, which will work continuously and expeditiously. The purpose is "arriving at an agreed solution and within the framework of the Constitution". Ending the crisis facing the country.

For Jorge Rodriguez, head of Maduro delegation, the table is "a permanent dialogue for peace; for peaceful coexistence; and the constitutional and democratic resolution of political and social differences".

The National Communication Center of the presidency in charge of Venezuela, in its Twitter account, published: "The Oslo negotiation mechanism is to achieve the change that puts an end to the suffering of Venezuelans".

Last Sunday Pope Francis vowed the political parties could "arrive as soon as possible to an agreement that puts an end to the suffering of the people for the good of the country and the entire region" in Barbados.

On the other hand, Diosdado Cabello warned: "From these negotiations will not come any call for a new presidential election". And he affirmed that the only pending elections are the parliamentary ones.

Meanwhile, the European Union recognizes the Oslo initiative as "the main channel to overcome the multidimensional crisis" of Venezuela. And it demands from the parties assembled in Barbados "a genuine commitment and the necessary flexibility to urgently achieve a result that allows for transparent and internationally monitored elections, the re-institutionalization of the relevant public powers and that lays the foundation for national reconciliation and economic recovery".

The staging of the "peaceful, political and democratic" solution in Barbados presents Maduro as the good policeman, accepting the call for presidential elections with guarantees and showing Hector Rodríguez, governor of Miranda state, as his successor or candidate for the presidential election.

Diosdado Cabello, who has been strengthening his power in the military sector after the changes of July 5 and 16, plays the role of the bad cop in bargaining in Barbados. The threat that there will be no advance of the presidential election, scheduled for 2024. Only the polls will be held to elect the deputies of the National Assembly next year. Within the PSUV, Cabello acts as another competitor for the presidential election. He introduced Chavez's daughter, Maria Gabriela, on his television show last week. Cabello said, "with you the revolution", pointing it as an option. Besides, he sent a message with Leocenis Garcia to the White House last week, with the consent of a part of the leadership of the interim government of Venezuela.

The other main actor, Juan Guaidó, plays both the good and the bad cop's roles. When his delegation comes to Barbados, he acts as a good policeman, and when he threatens the approval of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) and requests more sanctions from Maduro and his associates he acts as a bad cop. The execution of the two roles compromises his credibility.

The European Union decided, after the Bachelet Report, to play the role of bad cop. He threatened the Maduro regime on Tuesday. "In case they do not reach concrete results in the ongoing negotiations [Barbados], the EU will further expand its restrictive measures", said the head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, in a statement on behalf of the 28 European countries.

This role, the bad cop, the United States had been doing until the first of May, when it decided to act also as a good policeman, requesting the return of Chavez to the National Assembly to establish "the peaceful transition and national reconciliation", an action that corresponds to Guaidó as the good cop.

If a national agreement is sought to restore democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, the road to Barbados should "be full of good works".

Therefore, Guaidó has to play his role as the good cop. And warn of what will happen if the road map for the "peaceful, political and democratic solution" is not established soon. Meanwhile, the United States, the EU, and the Lima Group must act as the bad cop, applying sanctions and "hard-liners" against Maduro, his henchmen and related. It's time to finish the job. The synchronization of the roles is key to this. Because until now, the road to Barbados "is full of good intentions".


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