On September 16th, the Nicolás Maduro's regime with Diosdado Cabello presented the people that they consider Venezuela's political opposition at La Casa Amarilla in Caracas. They are the same ones who lent themselves for the electoral farce of May 20th, 2018 and who have let the country into a severe crisis of governance because the governments of the United States, Canada, 14 nations of Latin America and the European Union did not recognize this election.

The journalist Ibéyise Pacheco wrote, on her Twitter account, that these people are bribed by Diosdado Cabello, Tarek el Aissami and Nicolás Maduro through their front man ("testaferros") Rafael Sarría, Julio Makarem, Samark López, and Raúl Gorrín.

The cohabitation format, between members of the Maduro regime and the opposition, facilitated by the front men is not new. On 30 April Venezuela uprising attempt, they also acted. Elliott Abrams, President Trump' special representative for Venezuela, said that day there was a guarantee document of about 15 points. An agreement in which only Maduro's front men and his inner circle would have participated.

Until then, Cabello understood that he was out of the governance solution for Venezuela. However, that day allowed him to regain his power of influence in the destiny of the Bolivarian country. He regained his authority immediately in the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service. And, from July his fellow members of the Military Academy began to occupy the positions of command in the Armed Forces.

Pacheco also states on her Twitter that last Monday's show "has been rehearsing for about ten weeks [since July]. They have met weekly in different places". Therefore, the first meeting between the pseudo-opposition and Diosdado Cabello came six weeks after the start of the Oslo initiative, in which were present the representatives of Venezuela's leading political actors.

While Maduro with Norway's dialogue sought to dissuade the Trump administration from continuing to applying sanctions to individuals, state-owned oil and mining companies, Pdvsa and Minerven, and the Central Bank of Venezuela; Cabello's envoys met with the Eduardo Fernandez and his son, Pedro Pablo, Claudio Fermín, Juan Barreto, Henri Falcón, Felipe Mujica and Timoteo Zambrano, Venezuelan pseudo-opposition.

On 5 September, Timoteo Zambrano, the sole deputy of the pseudo-opposition, urged the Norwegian government to "provide an account of the status of this negotiation and what the issues are" between madurismo and the Venezuelan opposition.

Cabello knows that the National Dialogue Table must deliver results to build trust among the members of the various parties represented in Venezuela National Assembly (NA) and the international community. For this reason, the first "partial agreements" are: the return of the parliamentary faction of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela and its allied parties to the NA; a new board of the National Electoral Council and the electoral guarantees of the voting process; measures to provide withdrawal of liberty in cases where permitted by law (freedom for political prisoners); oil trade for food, medicines and supplies; and finally, the rejection of U.S. sanctions and the demand for their immediate lifting.

All are measures of effectiveness to gain adepts in "scrambled river". On June 7, Elliott Abrams declared that "Chavism has to make a decision (...) return to the National Assembly and take its seats." And, on June 21, Michelle Bachelet made a "call on Nicolas Maduro to release all political prisoners" at the media press conference, following her visit to Venezuela.

Diosdado Cabello intends to build a majority to elect a new National Assembly president on January 5th, 2020. For this reason, he will have to turn over 20 to 27 representatives who are supporting Juan Guaidó in his presidential re-election in the following 14 weeks because a defeat of Guaidó on January 5th would leave him without a political floor to continue acting as interim president of Venezuela. At that moment, the United States and the rest of countries (55) that recognize him as such will have to reconsider their support, compromising the only legitimate institution left in Venezuela.

Cabello's strategy to ensure success is to comply with the agreements reached with the pseudo-opposition and motivate the votes needed to elect a new National Assembly president for the period 2020-2021. Therefore, Venezuelan opposition forces and the international community must decisively take actions to confront this new threat of the criminal organization that controls the apparatus of the Venezuelan State. Otherwise, the Cabello-Mature couple will continue to usurp power. This time it will be with the pseudo opposition and a country divided between criminal and terrorist organizations.


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