The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on Sunday, "the representatives of the main political actors of Venezuela have decided to continue the negotiation process facilitated by Norway". It added "the parties will meet this week in [the island of] Barbados to advance in the search for an agreed and constitutional solution for the country. Negotiations will be carried out continuously and expeditiously".

It is the third time in eight weeks that the delegations of Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó have met. So far, the advance of Norway's "peaceful solution" has been almost zero, because Maduro and Guaidó have different objectives, the advancement of parliamentary elections and the "cessation of usurpation", respectively.

However, on this occasion, the strength that Maduro had for exercising a de facto government and controlling the Venezuelan territory diminished after the devastating report of the high commissioner of the United Nations Organization for Human Rights on Venezuela, which establishes that "the command" of Maduro is thanks to "the violation of human rights" of Venezuelans and "the violence of the State". In other words, the report describes Maduro as the deadliest dictator. It is "a clinical case of cruelty to the whole world".

This condition of deadliest dictator causes Maduro to lose the support of the foremost leaders of "democratic socialism". He needs a lifesaver to recover "the sheepskin". For what it resorts to Norway and concepts and behaviors such as "independence and sovereignty, strict adherence to democratic norms and the Constitution".

On the day that Michelle Bachelet published her report, Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis - the theology of liberation - in the Vatican. They talked about the situation in Venezuela, among other issues. And a week before, Putin and Trump also discussed the case of Venezuela in Osaka, Japan, at the G20 summit.

Also, at the end of May, Elliott Abrams, special envoy of the United States government for Venezuela, traveled to Rome to meet with Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, to align the strategy of the negotiation in Oslo with the mediation of Norway. And, on June 14, meetings were held in Stockholm between "key actors" to overcome the crisis in Venezuela through "a peaceful, political and democratic solution". One of the participants was the Russian Chancellery.

The situation in Venezuela is unsustainable, unstable and unacceptable, so the international allies of Maduro and Guaidó decided to choose "the peaceful, political and democratic solution" of Norway for the exit of the crisis.

The Spanish newspaper El Mundo noted, "the Norwegians assure the democratic opposition that Maduro already accepted the call for presidential elections with guarantees. However, the main stumbling block, according to legislators with direct knowledge of the talks, is that the 'people's president' does not want to leave power in the months leading up to the elections".

In this sense, Norway emphasizes "the one who governs", the reason for being of the history of Venezuelan politics since its foundation as a Republic.

The great crises (economic, human, security, services) that Venezuela is going through and which affects the majority of Venezuelans (80%) require a national agreement, to establish the bases of the what and how of the Venezuela of the 21st century, "productive democracy", which includes the private sector, trade unions, universities, social organizations together with the political actors, among others.

The current situation allows us to reach this agreement through Transformative Scenario Planning because the Bachelet report "evicted Maduro regime" and its international allies were left without the "revolutionary cliché" that the American imperialism causes the crisis.

Consequently, Russia, China, and the United States - for other reasons - expect to see "white smoke" in Barbados, in terms of the "peaceful, political and democratic" solution to the crisis in Venezuela. Otherwise, it will once again face the great powers in support of Maduro in power. And, the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights will be left aside.


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